Sometimes Good Enough is Good Enough

This holiday began with vacation with Don and friends. In great excitement I packed carefully for one full week at the beach. Extra winter gear for walks on the beach, batteries for the camera, food, presents to exchange and a 4’ tree filled the car. The tree was naked - to be dressed and lighted beach-side.

Since it was my first Christmas at the beach I decided ornaments would be whatever I found on and near the beach. Being a recovering complusive shell-picker-uper it was easy to find “ornaments” to dress the lighted bare tree. Shells strung with colorful ribbons did the trick. Feathers, pinecones, and lichen covered sticks added finishing touches.
The Christmas tree passed all expectations. To complete the image I took the tree to the edge of the water and took its picture. Geese and swans were feeding in the water nearby. Desiring a more authentic scene I placed the tree on the dock railing where birds and water made the perfect background.

I stepped back, centered the tree in the camera lens and felt a gust of wind. Crash went the tree to the dock floor as Don yelled “Oh no!” Branches fell out. Shells scattered and broke. Feathers laid in goose poop.

With his help the fallen tree and its dressings, minus feathers, were picked up and carried back to the cottage for a make-over.
Many minutes of fussing and re-doing produced a different look for the tree. It had a slight list to the right, lights were reworked and it was adorned once more with nature’s ornaments. Proudly it stood as if it had never wrecked, doing its job towering over presents and shells too big and heavy to wear.

“What does a Christmas tree have to do with 2010?” you’re asking.

The plan for the tree was carried out just right. I messed with it, unknowingly putting it jeopardy. The wind blew it over, changing everything around.

You have your 2010 plan. A force unseen and unexpected change can come along and change everything. 2009 is a testimony to that. Help from unexpected partners is available. The repair job gets you on track again.

Someitmes good enough is good enough.

Happy 2010 to you and yours. I hope all winds blow in the favored direction.

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