Finally 2008 is closing. It's easy to dwell on what was wrong. Be zany and think about what was right. An annual exercise is to list 25 + successes during the year. At first it was hard and then it occured to me that those successes weren't only about giant things. They include the little things too.

New friends and finding a yummy new chicken dish to fix count. I asked Santa for a boyfriend. A miracle is on my list too - having my whole family together for Christmas at my home.

Leaving 2008 on a high note sets up a platform for success for 2009. Share some of your successes here. So long, good bye 2008.

Holiday Greetings

May the beauty of the season brighten up your life and decorate your days with love, smiles, and joy. May you receive the gift of hope in each day that is especially for you.

Tis the Season

Tis the season to be jolly. Ads with smiling faces, gifts, places to shop say it, too. White lights outline tall buildings downtown, making the business landscape magical in the dark.

Tis the season for change. Homes are transformed into magical places with tradiional precious decorations. Furniture's moved to make room for a tree, of all things.

With life changes come new customs, born from a need to survive holidays. Memories of past holidays came as I put out pictures of my girls with Santa.

Over the last 4 years my granddaughter, Anna, and I have visited the same Santa her mother saw. Where I live tradition has been honed to a high art form.

The first time my 2 daughters went with us. It was fun to hear these adult kids share their memories of going to see Santa so long ago. As they talked I learned that for them Christmas is the season to be sure there's time to visit Santa.

Tis the season to keep traditions, even if they're changed to a new place and stage in life by your own doing or someone else's. Tis the season for old and new to merge.


Glory got kidnapped. On Sunday. While I was in church.

The church garage was full. The lot next door had plenty of empty spaces.

I left Glory B (my car) in the lot. Signs were nailed everywhere saying RESERVED SPACES. YOUR CAR WILL BE TOWED. CALL 262-2100 TO FIND IT. "What the hey - I'll push the envelope and take a risk. It's Sunday, these people won't bother Glory while I'm in church. There're plenty of spaces. I've done it before." I say as I lock her up and walk away.

Several hours later, I walk briskly to the lot to get on with the day. The space is empty. Glory B has been kidnapped.

OK. I pushed the envelope and now I have to pay ransom. Lord only knows how far away the lot is where she's secure now and how much it'll cost to bet her back.

Time for a 911 call and I don't have my phone (pushing the envelope again). Rescuers arrived in the form of George and Nelly, friends I'd just chatted with at church. With their phone I call the kidnapper. Over the TV blarring the game of the day and children screaming I hear the disgruntled dispatcher tell me how to spring Glory B.

George and Nelly are great rescuers. They brought me home to get my debit card, to the bank to get the money, and to the lot to spring Glory B.

Five crisp $20 bills and 40 minutes later ransom was paid. Glory B was free. Sweet success and synchronicity saved the day that Glory got kidnapped.

What do you share with friends?

How many times did I say I was going to write a book? 50x? 100x? Finally I'm working on my book. It's one huge project.

I'm proud to say it's in progress. Progressing slowly is more accurate. It's titled SMART WOMAN MAKE THEIR OWN RULES. It's about women and living life on their terms with full permission to do so.

Friends are encouraging me and holding my feet to the fire to get it done. This morning I was writing about friends - who they are, how they are, how we love each other and traditions we share. My friend Jean and I go to the Urbanna Oyster Festival every year. For 3 years now we've enjoyed seafood, shopping, people watching, dissing. You know the girl stuff we share.

I want to know what you do with your friends. What are some ways you and your friends share and live life together?

Do something good every day.

A time windfall happened today.
Sounds odd,doesn't it - a time windfall. We're all time deprived at work and home. Toss in holidays, parties, shopping, etc. and color us frantic. How does a time windfall happen?
Show up 30 minutes early for an appointment. Wanting to maximize this found time, off to the nearby Starbuck's I went to write.
Of course, I have to get a cup of tea to make writing better. The counter was packed with CDs, gift cards, biscotti, etc. In the mix was the best reminder of the day - do something good every day.
In the new How To Survive - And Thrive - in Hard Times class starting in January
homework is do something good for yourself or another daily.
What are some good things you do?

Surprise bounty

This day after Thanksgiving was a day of fun and plenty. Don, my beach friend and pilot, and I went to the Va. Air Museum to see some amazing airplanes. Don never met a staranger and started talking to a volunteer guide there. The next thing I knew he was climbing into a tiny Vultee aircraft built about 1930 and used as an executive plane for passengers like Clark Gable, Carole Lombard and Randolph Hearst. I followed. It was quite plush inside and complete with a bathroom about as big as an elf room.
Afterwards a short auto tour of Richmond covered historical sites. As we headed home we drove around some trash in the road. On second glance it was tomatoes and mushrooms, almost ready for a salad. On Don's insistance, we gathered enough for us to share and use ourselves. They'll go well with our Turkey Day leftovers.
Life is good and bountiful. Just look around. There's bounty in the least expected places.

Heart moments

Over the weekend I delighted in visiting a long time friend, Sherri, over a bowl of hot homemade soup on a very cold windy Saturday in her home. As women do, we talked about everything in no particular order - business, easy foods to fix, unexpected flurries in November, trips to Africa, and boyfriends. While we ate, we watched birds eat and were entertained and awed by the hummingbirds. They darted around, chased each other away from the food, returned one at a time to perch on the feeder and drank heartily.

Sherri and I connected at the heart, ate and loved the moment. It's the best of smart woman heart moments. What are some of your smart woman heart moments?

The safety patrol

'Today's my 10th anniversary as a school crossing guard!' the lady in the middle of the street yelled at me. She's on my early morning walking route, stopping traffic at the busy intersection for the elementary school children and me to cross the street safely.

Seeing her in the yellow vest and white cross straps marking the safety patrol took me back to my days on the safety patrol. This was an honor we could apply for in the 5th and 6th grades. And such an honor it was to be chosen to be in the select few.

The rewards were my draw to be there. Forget that I had to be there at o dark early to suit up to begin. After duty we got to go to the corner drug store and get orange juice on a hot morning and hot chocolate on a cold morning. We got to look important wearing the cross straps. We stopped traffic, including buses.

And the best part was that we got to be late to school.


Last Thursday while guesting on It's Your Job radio show about employment issues Carly called in. Here's her situation.

"My co-worker doesn't speak to me. When I ask her for help, she won't and refuses to acknowledge that I've talked to her. There're projects we have to do together. I need her help and I don't know what to do. What should I do?"

What would you tell her?

Smart women talk about the First Lady's role.

Obama and McCain are running for President. Their wives are making their statements besides campaigning for their husbands. One of them will be First Lady. What should her role be?

Smart women had this to say:

Keep the focus on the US and keep it green.

Make affordable healthcare and child care for us.

Focus on crime prevention at the elementary and junior high schools.

Have a signature cause apart from the President that she can embrace and influence citizens of the US and beyond to embrace. Whatever she thoughtfully chooses, then, will without a doubt, make a difference and that's what counts.

Help all earn enough money to take care of their children.

Raise awareness for the public and the consciousness of the business community and pharmaceutical industry and get all people involved in ther own health issues.

What do you think? Write your ideas to be posted here.

A different Saturday

Ideally basking in the sun like a lizard on a rock and reading pool-side is my summer Saturday. To get a good rate on car insurance attending driving school was this Saturday. Today I got 100% on the test - a far trade.

With 5 young people and 1 instructor with the 'retirement can't come too soon' attitude I spent 8 hours learning defensive driving. How it has changed in 3 years since last taken.

Road rage was the biggest focus. We've all seen it and been victims of it. The 48 Hour video shown about people being murdered by road rage sure caught the kids attention and mine. I just don't understand rage like that.

Safety tips were really helpful. Did you know to keep latex gloves in your car in case you have to touch body fluids? How to change a tire fell on my deaf ears. I know a nice motorist will stop to help me. Call me works.

Did you know that you can call #77 for the State Police in Va.? Keep your car well maintained. In other words, keep it excellently, like you want to be kept.

To Wear or Not To Wear

To wear pantyhose or not to wear pantyhose! That's the question! In 100 degree heat the answer is flat out NO in big letters. Otherwise, what do you think?

The issue came up this morning on Good Morning America. Dianne and Robin mentioned an article in the Wall St. Journal about pantyhose as part of the dress code. It all started with Jim Holt at MidAmerican Credit Union taking a stand for a dress code at his company. The Gen Yers 'revolted' at the hosiery idea. And the rest is news for the Journal. (At least it's not about the economy or gas prices.)

I called Jim and he told me that he was looking for an average standard and better for his employees. After all they do represent the company.

OK - back to pantyhose. Having worn the garter belt and stockings that predated pantyhose when dressed up, I personally welcomed them. They were much easier to put on and they kept my legs and ____ warm in cold winters.

In my opinion there's nothing more attractive or sexy for women than her leg having with a nice sheen from sheer hosiery to it.

Whine with wine

Inquiring minds want to know………. The line goes that way and there’s much to tell those inquiring minds from Whine & Wine on last Wednesday night. Twenty five women ____ed, moaned and whined about what sends them over the edge. They’re smart women so, of course, they stay on this side of the edge. Conversation was plentiful, energy was high, wine drank and yummies consumed.

One brave smart man came too! A member said “ Another successful event well done! I had fun and met some interesting people. Once word gets out how much fun they are and what great contacts one can make, you will have to rent the Segal Center.” I’m for that. The more the merrier.

So here’s what’ll satisfy your inquiring mind about what happened.

We presented to the Central Virginia Food Bank a check for $1377.00 from the WOW! You know that we tithe to a non-profit that serves women and children.

Anyone care to guess what the 2 biggest whines were? The vote was unanimous! The second place irritation was the shipper that sent the customers rushed order to the wrong place, missing the client's deadline!!!!!!!

The #1 whine......Drum roll please here. The # 1 whine is health insurance that makes a sick, suffering patient suffer and worry more because of lousy coverage!!!!!!

Pictures are on the way as soon as I figure out how to use my new digital camera.

8 day old babies

8 day old babies

At 8 days the two babies are as big as a walnut and covered with wee tiny feathers for wings and fluffy down over the rest of their bodies. They’re either a ball of down filling up the nest asleep or they’re upright with their moths wide open ready for Mom to drop food in. My babies did the same, either sleep or eat, come to think of it.

Yesterday, Tuesday, I was in the garden practicing a speech. Mom had a huge tender morsel for the gang. She bounced and flittered all over the place tricking me about the nest location. Only when I stood very still for several minutes would she enter the secret place in the ivy to feed them.

This morning all the birds were fussing and raising hell. Tillie, my neighbor’s cat, was lurking in the garden. Just in time to chase her away, I saw her poise to jump into the nest.

It’s funny how I’ve gotten attached to watching these babies. Every day I check on them. I clap my hands and holler to chase Mom away and still she takes off just in the nick of time to keep from scaring me when I peek on the tiny flock.

I wrote this on thursday morning, very early. Needing some exercise, I took my hour long walk. Again I checked on the nest.

There were only 2 unhatched eggs. The babies were gone.

Nature has a plan and works all of these things out...wether we like it or not.

I have babies!

I have babies!

That sounds odd, considering my age and my daughters' ages!

Two chicks have hatched in the sparrow's nest in the ivy pile by the statue in the garden. They're scrawny little naked pips with wild feathers here and there. They look like wee punk rockers on a bad trip.

17 days ago I discovered the nest with 4 eggs. Mom caught my attention as she was taking nest building stuff into the ivy. She laid an egg every day for 4 days. Silly me thought birds laid their eggs all at once. Now that I think about it my bottom hurts just to imagine all that mass popping out.

It's exciting because it's the first time there's been a nest where I can look into it completely. You know I've taken daily peeks monitoring progress, making noises as I approach so Mom'll fly away. Sometimes she surprises me by flying out as I peek.

Mom's watching and feeding now. Two more eggs to hatch.

Quick Facelift

Do you know how you turn the windshield wipers on when you mean to put the car in gear?

For the past 24 hours that's what I've been doing when putting the car in gear. It's a rental car while my real car Cadillac's getting repaired.

While parked and minding her ( yes, it's a woman - named Glory B) own business in a city garage in Norfolk, some idiot ran over Glory B's front bumper! Left black rubber marks all over her and knocked off the front license plate! And poked a hole in the bumper! I never did find the plate or any note saying who'd done the dastardly deed on her.

Yesterday I left Glory at the car hospital for plastic surgery. Geico (my
insurance company) provided a rental with a gear shift on the center console and wipers on the column. That's where Glory's gear shift is so you can see my dilemma.

That little rental has the cleanest windshield in town.

Glory's well now and back on the streets with no signs of her surgery. Customer service and repair were wonderfully quick using Geico's express service. It's a finely tuned process - very easy with lots of customer contact.

Imagine a face lift complete in 30 hours! If only a plastic surgeon could do as well for me.


It's been too long since the last post. The website tells the tale of busyness with WOW! It was a one day conference with speakers that gave more than a day's worth of info.

I've always stayed away from things that had lots of parts to them. Details aren't my strong suit. Never did puzzles as a kid since I didn't like them. They had too many pieces.

So what do I do? Put on a conference that's more like a double wedding! All of the sponsors were most generous and supportive as I bumbled my way along. The speakers were ever so generous with their time and talent. Attendees were upset that they couldn't get to hear everyone.

When you do these things, the hope is that everyone has a good time and makes connections that help them and their business. All 55 had a great day.

I did some things that were unusual - like have a chaplain open and close us with prayer. I sure prayed a lot putting it together and it was only natural to have a 'sure fired' prayer there.

One guest said that she never knew the importance of attire in business. She was raised to know that if was clean and fit, it was wearable. Another guest said she didn't want to have a heart attack from stress - that runs in her family - so she was quitting her job promptly.

You see the range of influence from WOW! - the World of Working Women! It was WOW!