What do you share with friends?

How many times did I say I was going to write a book? 50x? 100x? Finally I'm working on my book. It's one huge project.

I'm proud to say it's in progress. Progressing slowly is more accurate. It's titled SMART WOMAN MAKE THEIR OWN RULES. It's about women and living life on their terms with full permission to do so.

Friends are encouraging me and holding my feet to the fire to get it done. This morning I was writing about friends - who they are, how they are, how we love each other and traditions we share. My friend Jean and I go to the Urbanna Oyster Festival every year. For 3 years now we've enjoyed seafood, shopping, people watching, dissing. You know the girl stuff we share.

I want to know what you do with your friends. What are some ways you and your friends share and live life together?

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