More Lessons from The Celebrity Apprentice

Round three continues gals (Tenacity) against guys (Solidrock). They were to produce an advertorial (whatever that is) for Norton 360 and Life Lock. As usual group meetings decide the project manager and tasks are handed out to make the winning project. Winning is the goal.

Here’re some lessons learned from celebrities in this show to raise money for their fave charity.

1. Be clear about every area of the project, especially the outcome you want. Summer couldn’t explain clearly to their photographer what they were doing so he knew how to capture what she wanted.

2. Know how to use a computer. Rod Blagojevich couldn’t turn the computer on to do research he was asked to do. I don’t care if he did run a state with 60,000 employees, as he says. This is 2010 and he needs to know computer basics, like how to turn it on and type more than hunt and peck.

3. PowerPoint can have too much copy on it. The guys presentation had so many words explaining what the product did that it couldn’t be read. The type looked like scribble because it was too small. Don’t they know pictures speak a thousand words?

4. It’s OK to quit. Darryl Strawberry volunteered to be fired because he 'sorta' wanted to go home. His body language and degree or lack of participation from the beginning showed he was so over The Celebrity Apprentice.

If you want to learn business, how the dice rolls, and how to deal with egos, tune in. The lessons are too many to count. And talking straight, like Donald Trump does, is the best practice of all. You may not like it and he doesn’t care. It works.

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