Santa Dances

“Santa here 11 to 1” stated the sign on the door to the neighborhood hardware store. After finding what I needed, I cruised the aisles to see what merchandise was there - and to find Santa.

Methodically I went up and down each aisle. There Santa was, snuggled among the festive Christmas gardenware like the Travelocity gnome. He was the usual Santa complete with the ill-fitting beard, red suit and twinkle in his eye.

“Santa, can you help me? If you’re taking orders for Christmas, will you bring me a boyfriend?" I asked. "And can you bring one that dances, please?”

Always politically correct “I’ll see what I can do.” was his reply. He continued, “Do you know where Farifax Station is?”

“Santa, I can find it, I’m sure. Why do you ask?” I said.

“Because I’m there on Wednesday nights with my dancing club.”

Call 2009 a Wrap

2009 was filled with activity, success, failure, surprises, change and bold moves. Many lessons were learned and ideas became new models and tools. Take time to review 2009, glean the priceless value it brought you and celebrate your successes.

1. What are your disappointments, failures, and breakdowns?
Let’s acknowledge what these are. This is an opportunity to let them go, carry them forward, or make a new promise. Make a list titled Disappointments, Failures, and Breakdowns and record them.

2. Make a second list titled Successes, Wins, and Accomplishments.
This is a chance to celebrate and own who you’ve become this year. Where did you step into your power and greatness? Don’t skimp on these. The little stuff counts. NO modesty here. IF YOU’VE DONE IT, IT ISN’T BRAGGING. Validate all your accomplishments. Look through your calendar and any notes to remind you.

3. What have you learned about yourself and your life? What insights have you gained? How have you changed?
True insights have the transformational capability of shifting you into a new, more alive place! This is the stuff that isn’t taught in MBA school. If it had been, you wouldn’t have believed it.

4. What are you grateful for?
This list might include some of the above and anything else you truly appreciate about yourself or any other area of your life. There is a basic principle. Whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will increase. .

5. How can you celebrate to honor your 2009 accomplishments?
What would be a fun, special thing to do for yourself to celebrate your success? You’ll want to include family, friends and associates. Brains are sexy.

8 things 2 say thanks for

Thanksgiving is a fond memory. Yummy food, a day in the 70s and family filled the weekend.
Three generations visiting our beloved legendary Santa carried on the tradition for one more year. There is so much to say thanks over. Here’re a few more:
1.Although a legend in my own mind, any auto accident I have will go unnoticed.
2.Little girls are beautiful in pretty dresses.
3.Colorful crisp leaves on streets and sidewalks to walk through and kick in the air.
4.Family travelers arrived at their destinations safely.
5.Santa said he’d do his best to bring me a boyfriend.
6.A long time desire to have the family at Tea at the Hotel Jefferson was fulfilled and more fun than thought.
7.My heart sings when my girls and I are together.