Handling Stress in Stressful Times

When a summertime beach lover gets a job in Daytona, life is sweet. Imagine getting paid to speak at a beautiful hotel on the oceanfront in October. Weather is clear and 80+ degrees. The beach is hard and wide - especially at low tide.
Today's Daytona 500 NASCAR race started right here. Finishing before the tide came in was always a challenge.
The warm water beckoned. Dodging kids on bicycle choppers I made my way to the water. Crabs and minnows fled by my steps through it to weak waves. Surf and boogie boards are tied to a variety of surfers. My fave is a tall bald headed guy sporting a massive beer belly. Altho' at least 55 yrs. old, he's only 24 in his mind.
Lounging now on the chaise is the best viewing on the beach. It's time to handle stress in stressful times by checking out the inside of my eyelids. Did I mention that I was speaking on stress?

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