Makeover for Sarah?

There is very good news. A new voice and face – heck a whole personality – has shown up and captured the air waves. Her name is Sarah Boyles. Catch her appearance on Britian’s Got Talent at

Because she wants to be a professional singer and told her mum, who died 2 years ago, that she’d do it, she did it. Funny how we'll do something for someone else that we won't do for ourselves.

She’s not your average looking svelte, glamorous siren. Quite the contrary. She’s what my kin would call ‘down home’, bless her heart.

Already in these few short weeks since her discovery, this 47 year old Scottish songstress has done some changing with footwear and attire. If you were to make Sarah over, what would you do?

Smart women want to know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would definitely get a new and jazzy new hairstyle and some fashionable clothes. I would trim the eyebrows too and get some good advice on make-up.