Lessons Learned from the King's Speech

Friends raved about The Kings Speech.   Hollywood proclaimed it Best Picture and Colin Firth, who played King George VI, Best Actor.   The story of the man who unwillingly became King of England and overcame stuttering and insecurity is filled with lessons of personal development.   In honor of the Royal Wedding on April 29 here are a few lessons learned from the King’s Speech:

Things are not always as they appear or you perceive.

No one is exempt from trauma during childhood.

Every career has areas pushing you beyond your skills.

Good rapport and trust in the professionals that help you is key to success.

A cheering squad of one, whether a friend or loved one, is another big key to achievement.

A story, well written and presented, is inspiring, entertaining, and thought provoking. Bravo Hollywood for your choices!

And finally, everyone needs a best friend – a confidante and buddy who shares the valley of disappointment and the peak of success.

Who'd have thought?

      A milestone birthday requires a party and month long celebration. This birthday was going to be marked appropriately.
      A burst of energy got home projects finished that had been put off too long.   Plans were made and invites issued to friends, including Farmer.
     When he rsvp’d,  I asked about the date for a visit to his home going unanswered.  He was busy getting crops up was the reply.   “Something’s not right here.” Intuition said.
     The party was a blast with best friends sharing cake and partaking in merriment.  Farmer came late, was pleasant, and brought a bottle of champagne.   He left very early, saying he had a long drive home.
Recounting my birthday evening,  I said to Kathleen, my mentor in all things single women need to know,  “It’s not adding up.  There’s an 8 year gap when I add up all the numbers.”
     “Have you googled him?” she asked.
     "Never occurred to me.  Let’s do it now.” I said.  “His name is ordinary. Hold on!   Last week we talked about his middle name and it’s really different.  Let’s try that. His middle name is Westerly.”
     With no expectation of any result, we were floored to see what Mr. Google provided.  Up popped a PDF of a Court of Appeals of Virginia document!   We were glued to the web as we read all 22 pages of the document.  It read like a steamy novel ready to be a screen play and Oscar winning movie!  He was contesting a divorce from his wife of 9 years (not 1 as he said) on numerous counts, including adultery.  And he was contesting the courts finding that he committed marital waste and improper equitable  distribution of his business.   
     Naturally the link to that PDF went to friends.  Farmer became The Rat, a lowlife hosebag as my guy friends said.  When I mentioned it to another girlfriend, she said she made it a point to talk to him at my birthday. “He was rude and condescending to me.” she said.
No wonder my intuition was squawking.