It's been too long since the last post. The website tells the tale of busyness with WOW! It was a one day conference with speakers that gave more than a day's worth of info.

I've always stayed away from things that had lots of parts to them. Details aren't my strong suit. Never did puzzles as a kid since I didn't like them. They had too many pieces.

So what do I do? Put on a conference that's more like a double wedding! All of the sponsors were most generous and supportive as I bumbled my way along. The speakers were ever so generous with their time and talent. Attendees were upset that they couldn't get to hear everyone.

When you do these things, the hope is that everyone has a good time and makes connections that help them and their business. All 55 had a great day.

I did some things that were unusual - like have a chaplain open and close us with prayer. I sure prayed a lot putting it together and it was only natural to have a 'sure fired' prayer there.

One guest said that she never knew the importance of attire in business. She was raised to know that if was clean and fit, it was wearable. Another guest said she didn't want to have a heart attack from stress - that runs in her family - so she was quitting her job promptly.

You see the range of influence from WOW! - the World of Working Women! It was WOW!